Design and Build a Two-Tier Campus Network Architecture

To design and build a two-tier campus network architecture is everything like a three-tier hierarchical design and maximizes performance, network availability, and the ability to scale the network design. It is common to campus networks where the aggregation or distribution layer is merged with the core layer to create a unique and fully functional network for a good sized campus.

However, many small enterprise networks do not grow significantly larger over time. Therefore, a two-tier hierarchical design where the core and distribution layers are collapsed into one layer is often more practical. A “collapsed core” is when the distribution layer and core layer functions are implemented by a single device. The primary motivation for the collapsed core design is reducing network cost, while maintaining most of the benefits of the three-tier hierarchical model..

To design and build a two-tier campus network architecture, a number of considerations must be taken into account. A key head-start is to ascertain the driver for choosing to build a two-tier campus network architecture.
Could it be a preferred design or one which you know works well and easily maintained? Perhaps you found yourself working in an environment which had their design closely tailored to the tier-2 collapsed core hierarchy.

Read more : level 3 network


  1. Network networking is the planning method concerned with the connection between computer systems or devices. Networking, Digital Marketing Dubai routers, routing orders, and networking over the public Internet have their specs defined in papers called RFCs.


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