Corporate Network Security

As cyberthreats are constantly evolving in complexity and volume, the battle against them implies ‘spreading’ the protection across all the systems in the corporate network – servers, databases, services, installed software, etc. What’s more, attention should be paid to ensuring that the company’s employees understand and follow cybersecurity principles, and will not (un)intentionally compromise the corporate network security with their actions.

However, cybersecurity measures applied inside the organization may differ depending on the company’s size, its financial capabilities, the industry it operates in (regulated or non-regulated), the information it has to deal with in the course of business activities, etc.

The minimum of cybersecurity measures essential for the implementation is a properly configured firewall protection working together with regularly updated antivirus software. Firewalls scan network traffic to detect anomalous packets or packet fragments. Antiviruses ensure protection from such cyberthreats as ransomware, worms, spyware, etc. by checking each file the employees open or download from the internet or other sources.

To apply these security measures, there’s no need in organizing a separate cybersecurity department. A company’s IT department can take responsibility for this, as implementing firewall protection, installing antivirus software and continuously maintaining their performance does not require cybersecurity-related skills.

Nevertheless, the protection level of a corporate network should be regularly checked. Conducting vulnerability assessment and penetration testing annually is enough for a small organization carrying out their business in a non-regulated industry. These cybersecurity services performed on an annual basis won’t result in heavy expenses for a company with a limited budget. At the same time, these activities can help system administrators to stay aware of occurring security weaknesses inside the
company’s network.

Also read : network levels


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